Superman – Earth One Vol. 1 (2010)

Superman - Earth One Vol. 1 (2010)

Publication Dates:...2010
Size:................150 MB
RLs:.................Son of Ultron|Empire


Forget everything you know about The Man of Steel and brace yourself for a staggering new take on the world’s most popular Super Hero.

Arriving at Metropolis, Clark rents a room at Metropolis Hotel and goes around the city to get a job. Clark tries out for the Metropolis pro football team. Because he is much smaller than the other recruits, he is met with extreme skepticism and some derision. But as soon as Clark shows what he can do, the coach is beside himself to get Clark to sign a contract.

Clark has similar experiences at a major scientific research company, a financial services institution, and trying out for the Metropolis Major League Baseball team. Calling his mother at night, Clark tells her he can work anywhere, and earn pretty much whatever he wants. He can also send a lot of money to her. She says she really has everything she needs. What Martha really wants, and Jonathan wanted too, is to have Clark expose his abilities to the world and make it his mission to help people. Martha has even fabricated a costume for him, should he decide to go down that road. But she emphasizes that it is Clark’s decision to make.


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