Kid Lobotomy (2017) – complete

Kid Lobotomy (2017) - complete

Publication Dates:...2017 - 2018
Issues:..............01 - 06
Size:................393 MB
RLs:.................Son of Ultron|Empire


Kafka meets King Lear by way of Young Frankenstein in KID LOBOTOMY, a dark, demented, monthly satire that follows a dysfunctional family of hoteliers. Will sibling rivalry, seduction, and shapeshifting eventually lead to sanity or salvation?

Big Daddy is a rich hotelier who, in a cracked echo of King Lear, appoints his youngest descendant to manage The Suites, a peculiar hotel located behind the Black Crown Pub. Affectionately known as Kid, his good looks and swagger can’t hide a rough childhood of strange therapies and brain operations that have awakened inner demons and psychodramas. This of course makes him eminently qualified to perform lobotomies. A failed rockstar/successful madman gets one last change to prove his worth—and regain his sanity—by turning the hotel that was once his childhood sanctuary into a lucrative business, despite a host of obstacles—including his own sister—who would love nothing more than to see him fail miserably.


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